Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The three U's

well if you're not in the mood to read about someone complain, you're wasting your time. This blog will list why the three U's in the subject describe me.


As some of you know, I have been taking intermediate spanish I & II this summer. I got a B+ in the first one. The second one is going to be close to a C. You see, for some unknown reason, at Pellessippi State, they take attendance daily. If you miss so many classes, you are penalized for it gradewise. I believe this is dumb because since we're paying for it we should be able to go whenever we want. the University of Tennessee does not have that policy. I had a class last semester where I only showed up to 5 classes and I still passed.

Well, in the second spanish class I'm taking, I can only miss 3 days and it is a letter grade off for any extra days missed. There are 3 tests involving about a week of material for each. The first test, I showed up every day and made an 84. The second test, I missed one day and made a 91. The third and final test I missed two days and made a 94. Somehow she is telling me that I've missed 4 days. I learned a long time ago that the professor is always right no matter how much proof there is in your favor so there is no sense arguing about it. The highest I can make is a B and I'm pretty sure that I have a high B right now. but that will soon be reduced to a C due to my neglect of showing up to this class. I am apparently an underachiever.


I have been working my current job for approximately 1.5 years. It is one of those jobs where you can run your butt off one night, and not have anything to do the next. It can be extremely stressful and physically draining. I didn't get hired making a lot of money, but it was more than Taco Bell could pay me. I have had reviews and at every one of them I have been told that I'm the "best transporter we've had in at least ten years." If that is so, why am I still working for the same amount I did when I started?

Everyone got a "cost of living" 3% raise last year but I did not. I'm actually thinking about telling them I have another job offer and need to get a good raise or I'm gone. I will be going up to HR this week to find out about it. I'm almost certain I'll get the run-around there. That is my story about being underpaid.


Tonight when I came in, I was told that the women's pavillion (WP) would probably call me for a CT scan on a patient. I got a page from them at 11:30 pm and went to call them. Here is a reenactment of the conversation.

Nurse: second floor.

me: Hi, did someone page the transporter?

Nurse: yeah are one of y'all coming down to take this patient to surgery?

me: I didn't know you had a patient to go to surgery, but I'll come and pick her up.

Nurse: Well I don't care WHO comes to pick her up as long as they do it right now.

me: ok well I'M on my way.

Perhaps she didn't know that there is only one transporter for the whole hospital after 11:00 pm. So I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt. I went to ER to grab a stretcher and the only one they had open was dirty so I had to clean it really quick and head down to WP. Once I got there I heard the same voice from the phone say "he's here." and then under her breath she said "doesn't seem to be in a hurry either." Had it not been for the poor woman in pain that needed to go to surgery, I would've pulled her to the side and told her that she needed to get her attitude in check and that she had only paged the transporter once so she needs not cop and attitude with me because I responded to her page as soon as I got it. So I bit my tounge and got the lady to surgery. I'm hoping I get to take her back to her room and that lady says something snide to me. Many relatives of mine are nurses and many friends of mine are nurses and I have nothing but respect for the profession. But when anyone gets lippy like she did, they deserve to be told what's what. Very unproffesional.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Maybe she was having a bad night. She had probably just come in to a mess. She probably called transport before you came in and they didn't go. But she still should not have been so rude. As far as being an underachiever, that is something you'll never be. I would ask to see the attendance book. I agree that if you pay for it, you should be able to go when you want to. They told us at WSSC that they were required to take roll because of the financial aid. Fine, take roll for the ones receiving that. But leave the others alone. I think you should go to your immediate supervisor about a raise. She/he will have to be the one who puts in for it. Raises are only given once a year and you should have gotten one. Just talk to them and let them know how you feel. But be careful about threatening to quit. They may just tell you goodbye. Hospitals have a reputation for doing that. I disagree with all 3 of the U's, except for being underpaid. You are an overachiever and I definitely overappreciate you. I think anyone who doesn't is out of their mind. You have worked hard to get to where you are today and done it with little sleep and 3 kids and a wife. I had to wait til both my kids were grown and gone before I could go back to school. You amaze me at all the things you do.